Our Opportunities

*Welcome to Jackson State University Development Foundation Scholarship Opportunities! *

Each academic year, JSU offers a variety of scholarships through the fundraising efforts of the JSU Foundation and the generosity of private donors. The award amounts vary and are typically based on factors such as academic achievement, financial need, and specific criteria set by donors.

To be considered for any of these scholarships, students must complete their scholarship applications in this system. Students must click* Sign In* at the top right corner of this page. This will direct them to the login screen where they can use their JSU credentials ( J# and NetID) to access and complete the general scholarship application as well as any supplemental scholarship applications for scholarships that may be recommended for.

Scholarships with the word “apply” in the Action column (after you sign in) require further action on your part in order
to be considered. Click “apply” to complete the application process. There are some scholarship opportunities you do not have to apply to but will be automatically matched to after you complete your
General Application. Qualifying for any scholarship does not guarantee you will receive the scholarship.

Deadline: This is the date by which you should complete the General Application, any Supplemental Applications, or any Individual Scholarship Applications to receive consideration.

Award: The amount stated is for general information purposes and not a guarantee of what you may receive if awarded. Actual award amounts can vary based on recipient eligibility, available funds, and other factors.

Actions: Upon completion of the General Application and any Supplemental Applications, you will be automatched with scholarships for which you meet the criteria. These scholarships indicate “None” under “Action” and require no additional information from you for consideration. A limited number of scholarships indicate “Apply” under “Action” and require individual applications for consideration. A list of these scholarships can be found by viewing Recommended Opportunities from the Opportunities tab.

*Please check your JSU email daily or sign-in to check the status of your application. *

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Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
$1,000.00 FosterSoft, Inc. Endowed Scholarship
Full-time student CSET major Financial need
$3,000.00 Dean's College of Science, Engineering & Technology Endowed Scholarship
To be eligible for the scholarship(s), candidates must meet the...
Varies Dr. Frazier & Mrs. Miki Wilson
To be eligible for the scholarship, Candidates must meet the following...
$3,000.00 Drs. Richard H. Sullivan & Hursie Davis-Sullivan Endowed Scholarship
To be eligible for the scholarship(s), candidates must meet the...
$2,000.00 The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Annual Scholarship Fund
• The student/applicant must be a full-time student (incoming or...
$2,000.00 Yates Construction Endowed Scholarship
To eligible for the scholarship (s), candidates must meet the following...